Steven Jones vs. Davida Smith (2018)

We represented Dad, Steven Jones, in this post-divorce matter.  Steven was permanently and totally work disabled from a motorcycle accident.  Steven is collecting Social Security Disability, and has no sources of earned income.

Mom, Davida, who works full-time as a marketing and advertising associate, had to finance the parties’ three children’s college educations pretty much alone, after years of no help from their father.

We came to an interim agreement where Steven would pay $300 per month towards child support/college expenses based on his receipt of disability benefits.

However, Davida wants Steven’s share of the “full freight” for college.  Davida, who is unrepresented, refused to settle with us based on Steven’s Social Security income and the very little assets that Steven retained by the time this case went to plenary hearing.

After 8 days of trial, which ended about a year ago, we’re still awaiting a final decision from the Morris County Family Court.

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