What’s the Deal with New Jersey Name Changes?

family lawyer

Not surprisingly, given the risk of identity theft and fraud, to change your name, New Jersey requires forms to fill out and bureaucratic hoops to jump through. You may or may not need legal help changing your name, which could involve another legal matter, like a divorce. Kingston Law Group is here to help you change your or your child’s name.

While you are permitted to call yourself any name you want, you can’t officially change your legal name without a court order. After you get one, you may update your government IDs, such as your driver’s license, passport, birth certificate, and Social Security, to match who you are. After that, you may change your name on bank accounts, investment accounts, property records, and credit cards.

Obtaining a Court Order

There are several forms to complete and send to the court online or by mail. You must pay the administrative fee and appear before a judge, possibly via Zoom. If a minor is involved, the process is the same, but if they’re younger than 18, there’s a different set of forms (found here).

There are five forms in this packet. They include the following:

  • Verified Complaint: This has essential information, such as your birth name, why you’re changing your name, and your new, preferred name. The court doesn’t need your life story. Keep it simple
  • Certification of Confidential Information for Name Change: This form gives the court critical and confidential information, such as your Social Security number
  • Order Fixing Date of Hearing: This will schedule your courthouse hearing. Complete the personal information at the top of the form. The court will finish the rest
  • Final Judgment and Final Judgment Addendum: This will finalize your name change. Fill out your personal information in the top section. After the hearing, the court will sign and complete the forms. Certified copies of the Final Judgment can be used to update your official IDs and documents
  • Civil Case Information Statement (CIS): This summarizes your case and can be confusing. Here are the instructions. The name change case type number is 151, and there are different forms when the person involved is younger than 18

If you feel overwhelmed, we help clients with name change matters.

Pay the Administrative Fee

You can pay the fee for filing these forms online or use a money order or check payable to “Treasurer, State of New Jersey”. If you can demonstrate financial hardship, you might avoid the fee. You must provide evidence like welfare documents, paystubs, bank statements, and unemployment documents.

Send the Documents and Payment to the Court

You can go online through the NJ Courts’ online system or use the mail.

Look at the Returned Copies

If you mailed the documents, you should get back (in your self-addressed, stamped envelope) copies of the:

  • Verified Complaint
  • Certification of Confidential Information for Name Change
  • Order Fixing Date of Hearing forms using the self-addressed envelope you provided.

They should include your docket number, which identifies your case. It’ll be needed on future forms and papers concerning your name change.

Going to Court

Unless the matter is heard via Zoom, go to the courtroom early on the day listed on your Order Fixing Date of Hearing form to see the judge. Bring proof of your birth name for identification. Dress professionally and relax. No one’s there to give you a hard time. This may be your only name change. They’re processed at the court all the time.

The judge will ask you:

  • About your name change
  • Whether you want to try to avoid past debt or criminal history, a standard question
  • If you’re asked why you want the change, you could say it’s your preferred name, as you stated in your application, and give additional details as needed
  • If this is part of transitioning to another gender and you’re asked about it, if you’re comfortable, you can answer or respectfully state it’s private medical information
  • When the hearing is complete, the judge should sign your Final Judgment and give you a copy

Think before you speak and respond to questions truthfully and confidently. The hearing will be over before you know it.

Get Final Judgment Certified Copies

You’ll need these copies to legally change your name on federal and state IDs. Photocopies won’t work. Get certified copies of your Final Judgment form, fill out the state courts’ Records Request Form, and submit it online, via email, or by mail.

 File Your Name Change

Send a certified copy of the final order and the filing fee to the NJ Treasury Department’s Division of Revenue within 45 days of receiving your court-approved name change. A copy of your final judgment should be returned to you.

Are You Thinking About Changing Your Name — or Have Already Committed to Changing It?

Either way, contact us and arrange a near-term initial consultation at a reduced hourly rate. We are “Compassionate Counsel, Tough Advocates” and ready to help you and your family! Call us at 609-683-7400 or contact us online. Call today. You will be glad you did.