Public Worker Files Harassment Complaint Against Councilman
The borough of Haddon Heights, New Jersey is experiencing a scandal that centers around two of its public employees. One of them, a male council member, has been accused of sexually harassing the borough’s acting clerk, a female who has been working for the public for eight years.
The sexual harassment claims were not made public until a recent council meeting. During a public comment session, an audience member discussed the issue and asked if it would be part of the agenda for the discussions being held at the meeting. A council member, not accused, said they would not be addressing that issue. Details about the alleged harassment have not been discussed by either the accused or the accuser. While no details have been openly stated, both are responding to the situation differently. The accused has said he is attempting to do what is best for both parties involved while the alleged victim has said she is currently employed in a hostile work environment.
After the initial allegations were submitted to the borough council, the alleged victim said the councilman she accused retaliated by having some officials stay away from her. She says he also attempted to strip her of her job titles. Subsequently, she submitted a civil rights complaint with the state attorney general’s office.
The attorney general, as well as a private investigation firm, will be looking into the allegations brought against the councilman. More than $3,000 has been billed to the public by a law firm that says the costs stemmed from the services of the private investigation firm.
Source: Courier-Post, “Harassment complaint costly to Haddon Heights,” Jeremy Rosen, Nov. 5, 2011