Could Renovating Your Home Tear Down Your Marriage?

Marriages can be like icebergs. You only see a small part of the trouble beneath the water line. Many things could happen to force the iceberg to flip, exposing the conflict underneath. It might be issues with their children, financial problems, health issues, or home renovation. There are many potential problems when changing your home,…

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Is it Time to Divorce Your Alcoholic Spouse?

alcoholic husband

If your spouse can’t or won’t stop drinking alcohol to excess and it’s adversely affecting your relationship, it may be time to end the marriage. Alcohol dependence is a complex condition that won’t go away without persistent action by your spouse. If you’ve had enough and the impact upon the kids and you is bad,…

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US Supreme Court Makes It Easier for Plaintiffs to Claim Discrimination Under Title VII

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The current Supreme Court’s majority takes consistently extreme positions, out of the mainstream.  Many of the High Court’s decisions are sharply divided along political lines.  Many citizens and commentators believe that decisions are made depending upon whether a justice was nominated by Republican or Democratic Presidents. Yet the justices were able to get past their…

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