Sick Days, PTO, and OT, Oh My!

sick woman sitting on sofa with a cup of tea and a tissue

These are three significant issues when it comes to wage and hour laws. Compared to those working in some other developed countries, the US is practically in the stone age regarding mandatory paid sick and vacation time. Until that status changes, we must do our best with the benefits we are given. Your employer may…

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Upon Divorce, Who Gets the NJ Pet? | Pet Custody

woman hugging her pet

At a time when couples are having fewer children, they have more pets. These animals can provide emotional comfort, affection, and companionship. If a couple divorces, it is often critical to the parties who gets pet custody. The parties may genuinely care about and want to continue their relationship with their dog or cat, or…

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“How Do I Handle an Illegal Question in a Job Interview?”

employment contract

How people are hired and the nature of work has changed in the past couple of years, but nearly all jobs are filled after the candidate’s interview. Whether you want to be hired or are interviewing for a transfer or promotion, you may be asked questions that shouldn’t be asked. How do you respond? Whether…

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