What is a Child Custody Evaluation?

Child custody decisions should be based on the child’s best interests. Since Judges aren’t child psychologists, they often hire one to give their opinion in a disputed custody matter. The parties involved may also hire their own psychologists to evaluate the family and testify to their recommendations. Most custody arrangements are established through negotiations, either…

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“Can My Employer Fire Me for Caring for My Sick Kid?”

Like all legal matters, the answer depends on the situation. You may face competing family, financial, work, and legal responsibilities. How you juggle these demands falls on you, your priorities, when and if you have a legal right to care for a child, the importance of your job, and the potential penalties for not caring…

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Must Employers Nationally Post Salary Ranges for Remote Positions?

By Hanan M. Isaacs, Esq., Sr. Attorney, Kingston Law Group, Princeton, N.J. Important Note: This article is intended as general information, not legal advice. For specific help, speak with an employment law specialist in your jurisdiction or where you report to work. Since 1965, U.S. states and cities have been fighting gender, age, race, disability,…

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Prenuptial Agreements in New Jersey:  To Do and NOT To Do

couple discussing prenuptial agreement

To have a binding Prenuptial Agreement in New Jersey, there are some things you must do, other things you must not do, and many things that will make the Agreement more useful but aren’t legally necessary (just sensible). The important stuff (whether mandatory to do’s or things you must avoid) will get and keep you…

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