New Jersey Volunteer Firefighter Sues for Discrimination

A volunteer New Jersey firefighter that received a serious injury to his shoulder while on the job has filed a suit against several of the fire department leaders where he is employed for workplace discrimination. The Tenafly, New Jersey, man was hoping to receive workers’ compensation for his time taken off because of his injury, but instead alleges that the fire department cut $300 from his monthly payment and denied him senior employee status, according to the suit.

The suit also accuses several of the senior members of the fire department of other forms of harassment. According to the man, who has been a volunteer firefighter for eight years, he was harassed on several occasions for hoping to receive workers’ compensation. The firefighter also alleged that other employees made discriminating comments about his Jewish heritage. He named the fire chief of Tenafly, the president of the Firemen’s Association, a retired firefighter and a former fire captain as individuals responsible for his discrimination in his suit.

The Firemen’s Association as well as the borough of Tenafly were also named in the suit. Originally, the man’s insurance company was also named, but a recent agreement has allowed him to receive the surgery to repair the damage caused by his workplace injury.

Attorneys representing the defense have denied the allegations, especially the discriminatory charges. The volunteer firefighter behind the suit is hoping to recover for economic loss related to his workplace injury. He also is hoping to receive full seniority status with the Firemen’s Association.

Workplace harassment is something no New Jersey employee should ever have to go through. The workplace should offer a respectful environment, not one that makes employees dread going to work. If you have been the victim of workplace harassment or discrimination, it is possible to hold people accountable for their actions. Speaking with an experienced legal professional may be helpful in determining the appropriate action to take.

Source:, “Tenafly firefighter claims discrimination,” Linh Tat, Aug. 5, 2011