New Jersey Child Support Sweeps Return Very Little Financially

Many single families in Cumberland County, New Jersey suffer from unpaid support from a noncustodial parent. The costs of owed child support affect the children, the custodial parent and the government, which often has to support these families with government funds. In some situations, it is because the noncustodial parent chooses not to pay their obligations – rather than any inability to do so.

In a recent three-day assault on unpaid child support, the Cumberland County sheriff’s office made nearly 40 arrests. The sweeps occur twice a year, according to the sheriff that oversaw the operation. However, the 39 arrests did not accumulate more than half of one percent of the amount owed in the county. According to reports, the operation hauled in $1,599 out of the $595,108.43 owed.

The collected amount averaged out to $41 per arrested parent. This was the third lowest level in the state. Only the sweeps in Sussex County and Union County resulted in lower outcomes. Sussex County saw $0 collected after serving four warrants and yet that county has more than $188,000 in owed child support. In Union County, 18 warrants were served, but police only collected $150 out of approximately $389,000 owed.

The best results were seen in Bergen County where more than $66,000 was collected. There, more than 65 warrants were served by Bergen County sheriff’s officers. Parents in the county owed more than $950,000 and this means that only 7 percent of the total child support debt was recovered.

As a state, New Jersey law enforcement served 987 warrants. In all counties, collections totaled more than $284,000. This accounts for less than two percent of the debt owed amounting to $15,512,152.

Source: The News of Cumberland County, “Child support sweep yields $41 per delinquent parent in Cumberland County,” Stephen Smith, Dec. 12, 2011