47 percent of New Jersey Voters Support Same-sex Marriage

Currently, New Jersey state law allows same-sex partners to enter into a civil union. However, some argue that civil unions are not seen as being equal to marriage, despite providing the same legal rights. Six states in the U.S. have legalized same-sex marriage. The most recent passage by New Jersey’s neighbor has sparked conversation about the topic in New Jersey and across the country. So what do the people of New Jersey think?

A recent poll by Public Policy Polling, a Democratic firm, showed that more New Jersey residents support same-sex marriage than oppose it, although the percentages were close. According to the poll, 47 percent of people in New Jersey support the idea of same-sex marriage while 42 percent do not.

Interestingly, pollsters found that those results changed when the question was worded differently. Those conducting the poll asked New Jersey residents if they thought same-sex couples should not have their relationships recognized at all, should be allowed to enter into a civil union but not marry, or should be able to get married. Of the 480 people that responded, 41 percent thought gay marriage should be legal, 40 percent favored civil unions only, and 17 percent thought same-sex relationships should not be recognized at all.

Last year, a gay rights group sued state courts in an attempt to have same-sex marriages recognized under the law. Legislators voted not to legalize it last year. With poll results showing that a large number of New Jersey residents are in favor of gay marriage, it will be interesting to see if any new legislation comes about in the near future.

Same-sex couples face many different challenges than couples of the opposite sex. Because there have been relatively few court decisions surrounding the matter, there is not a clear consensus on how various aspects of family law, such as divorce and child custody, should be handled. In these situations, speaking with an experienced attorney may be helpful.

Source: NJ.com, “More N.J. voters support same-sex marriage than oppose it, poll says,” Matt Friedman, Aug. 2, 2011