Think men can’t be the victim of sexual harassment? Consider again.
When some people hear the term sexual harassment they automatically presume it pertains only to men harassing women. While it is true that men sexually harass women, men can be victims of sexual harassment. When it happens in the workplace, it is against the law.
According to statistics provided by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the number of men reporting sexual harassment at work is growing. In 2011, men filed 16.1 percent of the sexual harassment charges. Two years later, the number of men who reported being the victim of sexual harassment increased to 17.6 percent.
Regardless of the victim’s gender, there are many activities that constitute sexual harassment, including:
•· Unwanted sexual attention
•· Physical assault
•· Sexual coercion
•· Gender harassment
Pressure from a coworker for a date or, unwanted sexual touching, constitute unwanted sexual attention. This can overlap with the next category, sexual coercion. The use of bribes or job-related threats to get someone to succumb to a sexual relationship is also not allowed, inside or outside the workplace.
Gender harassment claims in the workplace are the most common form of sexual harassment. Violent threats, making sexual jokes, and denigrating comments based on one’s gender, fall into this category.
A recent study, published in Psychology of Men and Masculinity, found that regardless of gender, employees are more likely to be sexually harassed when they worked in places that tolerate such behavior. Accordingly, workplaces with organizational policies against sexual harassment are less likely to result in reports of such behavior.
If you or someone you know may be the victim of sexual harassment, assault, or gender discrimination, it is important to understand one’s legal rights in this situation. Find an employment lawyer experienced in filing workplace discrimination claims, on behalf of workers. Call or write us today for a reduced fee initial consultation. You will be glad you did.